Tuesday 21 February 2012

Maple and Orange Crepes

Jom breakfast, semua...!!

 Minggu lepas, saya macam dah tak ada idea nak sediakan breakfast apa untuk family. Anak - anak pulak asyik tanya ibu masak apa untuk breakfast. Selalunya on weekdays, cereal jadi pengalas perut sebelum pergi sekolah. Jadi bila weekend apa lagi merengek minta breakfast selain cereal. Jadi saya pun teringat iklan foodinaminute, terus buka website foodinaminute.co.nz/. Banyak resepi menarik dalam website tuh, kebanyakkannya mudah dan simple. Mat salleh nih mana suke masakan yg complicated sangat. Jadi saya pilih yang paling simple..... LEMPENG!!!. Sebenarnya saya berkenan kat maple syrup dia, nampak cam menarik dan sedap jer.

Senang je resepi nih, yang penting ringkas, mudah dan senang nak buat. Anak-anak saya pun suka maple syrup tuh, sedap. Lain kali boleh buat lagi.

Recipe is inspired and taken from foodinaminute.co.nz/


  • 1 cup flour
  • eggs
  • 300ml milk
  • Maple and Orange Sauce
  • ½ cup Cottee's Maple Flavoured Syrup ( nak guna jenis apa2 pun boleh)
  • 25g butter
  • grated zest of 1 orange
  • ½ cup orange juice ( saya tak ada orange juice, so saya tak masukkan)


1. Sift the flour into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and add eggs and milk. Beat together until smooth. Pour into a jug and stand for 30 minutes.
2. Heat a small crêpe or frying pan and brush with a little melted butter. Tilt the pan slightly and pour in enough batter to just cover the base. Cook for 1-2 minutes over medium heat until the surface of the crêpe starts to ‘dry out’. Carefully flip the crêpe to brown the other side. Transfer to a plate. Repeat until the batter is used. Place a layer of greaseproof paper between each crêpe to stop them sticking together.

Maple and Orange Sauce:
In a saucepan heat Cottee’s Maple Flavoured Syrup , butter, orange zest and juice. Bring to the boil and continue cooking until the sauce reduces by one third. Remove from the heat. To serve, fold the crêpes into quarters and place on a serving platter. Pour over the sauce and serve with ice cream.


• Crepes are a French pancake and are thinner than a standard pancake
• There’s nothing like a freshly cooked crepe or pancake, but they can also be pre-made and frozen. Place a sheet of greaseproof paper between each crepe. When cold wrap tightly in cling film and freeze. To serve, thaw and heat for a few seconds in the microwave. Fold and cover with the hot Maple and Orange Sauce.

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